Well, the revised site for
starters! Most of the resources, fan fiction and so forth have
been have been updated. They all were originally posted on the
mailing list.
As this site is now
being updated regularly, keep an eye on this page to be kept up to
date with everything new.
Just as a general guide,
you'll find information on the Bard Competition on the Current
Projects page. You'll find discussion topics and
the Xena Trivia Quiz on the Xena
101 page.
Resource Library has been launched with an article on
the Known Facts in relation to Xena - this area can be
expected to grow rapidly.
If you are are writer of
fan fiction we are currently accepting new entries. The fan
fiction does not have to be Xena only. The goal of the Center is
to branch out in to other areas of Sci-Fi and to broaden our
scope. Works of art are also being accepted for posting at this
time as well. Send new entries to: comments@cfxs.com.