Vice in the individual was a recurrent theme in Ancient
Rome. From it's beginnings the role of vice was part of
the roots of the city. As far back a Romulus and Remus,
misdeeds were basic to the founding of Rome.
Romulus, himself, by his actions set the standard for
the use of vice in this new monarchy. First by killing his
own brother, then by making Rome a safe haven for any
criminal type in the region. It could be said that vice is
a integral part of what made Rome. This statement may seem
a paradox but without their vices many of the greatest
historical characters may not have risen to the level of
power to effect any impact on Rome. One such individual
who knew all too well how to use vice for his own agenda
was Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was a master at
manipulation. He knew how to use marriages and
relationships much like a general uses military tactics on
a battlefield. According to Suetonius."...He broke an
engagement, made for him while he was still a boy , to
marry one Cossutia;,for, though rich, she came of only
equestrian family. Instead he named Cornelia, daughter of
that Cinna who had been Consul four
times.."(Suetonius p13).
He began to at that point to develop alliances that
would aid his career and his rise to power.
The dictator Sulla had a distrust of him early on, in
Seutonius Sulla was to have said of Caesar upon pardoning
him for the marriage to Cornelia, "Very well then,
...But never forget that man whom you want me to spare
will one day prove the ruin of the party which you and I
have so long defended. There are many Mariuses in this
fellow Caesar."(Suetonius p.14) One might wonder what
characteristics that Sulla recognized in this young Caesar
to disturb him so much.
Caesar continued to build alliances in his military
service. One such was with King Nicomedes of Brithmia. It
was reported to be a homosexual affair . This tarnished
his reputation and was used by his rivals as a point of
ridicule. His reputation somewhat improved with his
victories over the revolt he was sent to suppress. He was
able to rise in rank and with each promotion so did his
popularity with the common people.
Julius Caesar took every opportunity to increase that
power and popularity. Whether ethical or not for instance
at the funeral oration of his wife and Aunt Julia he
traced the family lineage to kings and gods. But in
reality he was using this event to further his political
goals; making the assertion that he too was descended from
kings and gods. In the words of Suetonius
"....Julia's stock can claim both the sanctity of
kings, who reign supreme among mortals and the reverence
due to gods, who hold even kings in their
power."(Suetonius p15).
Once again in a tactical move Caesar married Pompeia,
who just happened to be the grand child of Sulla. Even
though the marriage was short lived due to the alleged
infidelity of Pompeia ,but the alliance was complete.
As he rose in political life, "Caesar soon made an
even more daring attempt at revolution in Rome
itself......With Marcus Crassus, an ex-consul, also with
Pulius Sulla and Lucius Autronius,......These four agreed
to wait until the New Year, and then to attack the Senate
house, Killing as many Senators as
convenient."(Suetonius pg16) Even though the plot
never was executed, it was not beneath Julius to eliminate
his political rivals by whatever means available.
Caesar once he was in the office of Aedile used every
opportunity to gain the people's support and adoration. He
sponsored wild beast hunts, stage plays, and gladiatorial
shows. With public opinion behind him, Caesar pressed on
for greater achievements, he attained praetorship. During
this office his enemies tried to tie him the Cataliarian
conspiracy. "Caesar would not lie down under this
insult, and appealed to Cicero's own admission that he had
voluntarily come forward to warn him about the
plot."(Suetonius p19) Once again using the situation
to his advantage he caused the informer to be stripped of
his property and sent him to gaol. Thus eliminating any
threat to himself.
Caesar finally got himself elected Consul along with
Bibulus. Caesar successful diluted any power that Bibulus
had so that "he felt so frustrated that he stayed
home for the rest of his term".(Suetonius p21) Yet
one more example of how he used any opportunity and any
situation to his own means. Once he was Consul there was
nothing to hold Caesar back from ruling as he saw fit. And
devices such bribery, plots and dirty tricks were order of
the day. He continued to use marriage alliances for
political gain. This time he married this daughter Julia
to Pompey. And also married Calpurnia the daughter of Piso.
Both men who could help him politically.
He had the Senate under such control when the "at
the end of his Consulship to praetors.....demanded inquiry
into his official conduct during the past year. Caesar
referred to the Senate, who would not discuss it."
(Suetonius pg 23) After this incident he required his
magistrates "in holding some of them to their
promises by an oath or even written
contract."(Suetonius pg23).
With his legal troubles aside Caesar once again turned
to the people to strengthen his power. "Caesar became
the one reliable source of help to all who were in legal
difficulties or in debt, or living beyond their means; and
refused help only to those whose criminal record was so
black, or whose purse so empty or whose tastes were so
expensive, that even he could do nothing for
them."(Suetonius p25) Vice and favor show us here
that they all helped with his popularity even if that
popularity was not from the most upright citizens. During
one of his Consulships he was threatened with impeachment
by Cato. Yet with the alliances that he had built up this
did not happen. What is so amazing no matter how corrupt
Caesar was he continued to receive more accolades and
offices, governorships etc.
Much of the loyalty Caesar garnered was from that of
his legions. He treated them well. They received gold, a
farm and grain and oil when they became veterans. In many
ways he was loyal to those loyal to him. This was one of
the traits that Julius Caesar had that worked the best for
him. He was genuine devoted to his friends and those
dependent on him. " He showed consistent affection to
his friends..... Having attained supreme power he raised
some of his friends, including men of humble birth , to
high office and brushed aside criticism by saying: 'If
bandits and cut-throats had helped to defend my honour, I
should have shown them gratitude in the same way!'
"(Suetonius p44) Even his ex-wife Pompeia when
brought to trial for adultery, Caesar would not testify
against her saying,"Because I cannot have members of
my household accused or even suspected"(Suetonius
All in all Caesar was a master of political tactics. He
used people either good or bad to attain his goals. One
has to admire a man who was so good at these devices. So
good in fact that he did not follow the rules of the
Republic and no one dared to challenge his authority. And
the more he did the more power he was given. "Not
only did he accept excessive honours, such as a
life-consulship, a life-dictatorship, a perpetual
censorship, the title "Imperator" put before his
name and the title of "Father of his Country"
appended to it, also statue standing among those of the
ancient kings, and a raised couch placed in the orchestra
at the Theater.......a golden throne in the Senate House,
and another in the tribunal.....a new college of Lupercals
to celebrate his divinity and the remaining of seventh
month as "July"."(Suetonius p46)
His enemies were many and in the end they were
successful. They plotted and he was assassinated by
Brutus. Yet through the ages and even today that day is
remembered as the Ides of March the day a great man of the
Rome was no more.
Written by Mary
A. Cornwell
CFXS Director