Roman Destiny
There was a young woman
Who tried to deny
A vision her 'friend' had
"No way!", did she cry
She met her a prophet
Eli was his name
They were captured by Romans
And taken away
He dithered
And blathered
Trying to center them all
But inside poor Gabby
Knew Xena would call
As the crosses were built
And made with great care
The followers and bard
Stopped the Amazon's dare
The way of love
Is what they did cry
The vision crept closer
At Gab's heart did it pry
But all to soon
The truth was laid bare
They'd be up on those crosses
In the wintery glare
Xena parried
And thrusted
And got past the guard
Til the shrill cry of mimicry
Startled them all
A fight did ensue
And Xena was winning
But a tortured immortal
Had a plan and was grinning
As she threw out that disc
With a cry of remorse
Did she meddle with Fate
Altering Destiny's course?
Oh the look of pure horror
On poor Gabby's face
As she saw their sweet future
Be simply erased
A feeling so dark
Did fill her with rage
And grabbed up some weapons
Leaving the pacifists stage
As the warrior looked on
With torment and pain
She watched the bard lose
All the peace she had gained
And then all at once
Gabrielle just gave up
For them no last supper
Nor carpenter's cup
They looked at each other
With love in their eyes
They held in their pain
And stifled their cries
With hammer
And nail
Destiny hammered home
The vision was true:
Crucified and alone
May 15, 1999